But why are we holding on to something that's gone? Something we can't get back, something we cannot change? Most of the time, we need to focus on ourselves. We need to focus on our weaknesses and make them strengths. You see what I'm saying? We all heard this before. This is nothing new. But when are we going to apply it? When are we going to start paving the way for those behind us as those before us did for us?

Time to say goodbye to those memories, moments, and relationships that no longer serve us. It's hard, but it's essential to let go in order to move fo

Maurice Hood
@BawseTalk · 2:17


You. Thank you and I appreciate that so much. The biggest thing is we have to learn to be able to control our mind. That's the big key. Because if we allow our mind to control us, then we're always going to see things, as I say, different than what they really are
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:01

#insights #mindset #advice

Hey. This is such a powerful message. I appreciate you for bringing it to the platform and to opening it up so that we can ask you questions about your processes. And although you're so thorough, it's hard to even come up with a question to ask you about this topic. You definitely laid it all out there, and it's done in a way that's pretty powerful