Aman Bansal
@bansalaman · 1:11

#BookReview | Feminism Femenism by Simran Lath

article image placeholder@simranlath | A Swell Prompts page
And the best part about the book was usually a perspective on a male's perspective is often ignored and people don't talk about it much. But the fact that the author has given much importance to the men and given a perspective on it is actually very refreshing. So that's why I actually enjoyed reading the book a lot, and I would definitely recommend it to anybody who's reading it

#feminismfemenism #simranlath1 @simranlath https://s.swell.life/SU8njuklEUH2dve #books

Satyajit Kotwal
@SatyajitSatire · 0:15
Hi, Aman. Interesting review of a book. You know, these kind of subjects always intrigue me and interest me. So this is definitely a book for the next purchase and we'll let you know. Thank you so much