Andrew Bahati
@Bahati · 4:40

"You Find Your Meaning in Respponsibility"

And you see, what I've noticed is that when someone takes responsibility, when I give someone empower them with responsibility, they tend to be happier, they tend to be more productive because they feel that responsibility, they feel like they're adding value to the business or they're adding value to an individual that they're training or showing what to do. There is something that when a human being takes responsibility, they find meaning in that moment

#Develop Yourself and fulfill Your potential.

Quiana Carrington
@Godpinkypromise · 1:31


Hello. This is in response to your swell, which was very nice and very pleasant to hear. There is so much to unpack in your swell, but I'm going to do my best to stay on topic and answer your question. You posed the question, how do I find meaning and taking responsibility? So I'm honestly by being able to contribute and add to something by way of creating it, educating someone or building it
Andrew Bahati
@Bahati · 4:48


And maybe sometimes it takes someone that has suffered a bit, someone that has gone through some tough times and they've experienced hardship and they think, you know what? What is the other option if I don't move forward? Sometimes it really gets down to the original option, right? But to move forward because you don't want to be here. And so I think that's what those individuals like. They like that spark, that vision, that papa, they like that