Carl Yao
@aycarl · 2:06

Scripted or winged

Are you typically the kind who likes to write things down, ponder it before you execute, or you're the type who just up and go, just start talking, and whatever comes in mind, you just piece it together, weave it in your mind, and execute it imperfection or imperfection, whichever you choose. But let me know, because I feel like it's a new kind of creativity that I'm exploring, and I'd really appreciate some input. Thank you

#Swell #scripted #winged

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:30
Hey, Carl, this is such a good question and I think one that a lot of people maybe ask themselves or consider at least when hopping on swell. I personally, as you can tell, prefer to wing it a little bit. I think I had a bit of anxiety about it as well when I first started, but learned to really appreciate kind of the natural tone of the conversations that happen on swell and how it kind of allows you to take your time
Carl Yao
@aycarl · 0:39


Hi, Ro. I really appreciate the response, and I can totally relate with the part about feeling anxious or having anxiety around talking unscripted. And I like the idea of having bullet points, though I kind of have a tendency of rolling on or veering off focus. I think that would be a good way to approach this. So, yeah, thanks for sharing your approach, and I'll definitely give it a go