Avi Chand
@avichand · 5:00

How storytelling works

article image placeholderStorytelling etiquette
So that's what I think happens in storytelling, that you capture people's imagination and then get them to come on a journey with you. And through that journey, however, the protagonist comes out victorious. You can then describe a belief, an idea, a life lesson, or a personal experience


Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:28
And through that journey, through the narration of sequels of humans, you highlight the importance of an idea, a belief, some values, a life lesson, some personal experience, and you do it to recruit people to a cause. You do it to get cooperation from people. And as Tim says, that neurologically. We are hardwired to appreciate stories, which means, from an evolutionary standpoint, we tell stories to get the cooperation of people