And I know it's not spring yet, but I'm feeling spring in the air and I'm trying to enjoy nature and looking forward to sunshine. I live in the midwest, where we definitely cherish spring because we get out of the winter, and that's very special here where I am, because we kind of suffered through the winter. And then when spring comes, we're just like a whole new chapter. So with that in mind, I'm looking forward to spring

Podcast name

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:27
I actually really like audacity. Something with audacity, I think. Yeah, if it's personal and it still has something to do with listening and with speaking. So I feel like that's kind of perfect and it's unique to you, so, yeah, that's what I liked. But I think anything you choose will work because you have a great voice, and it's sounds like you have great ideas for this, so I'm excited