Audrey Tepperman
@audacity522 · 3:15

The audacity to start - Leap day - take 2

Good evening, everyone. This is Audrey with my soon to be podcast, which I think is going to be named the audacity. A little plan words with my name. So I'm starting today on the swell platform. This will be my first day recording anything. I did one a few minutes ago and I didn't use my earbud mic, so I'm going again with the mic here, and I was thinking today all about this date, February 29, 2024


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:46
But if you want it to be a little different, you can go back, pause the recording right when you're recording, you can see the pause red button, pause it, scroll the yellow playhead back maybe ten or 15 seconds, or five, however early you catch it. And then you can push the record button again, which the red pause button turns into the red record button. And when you do that, it'll say, do you want to cut and record? Or something else?
Audrey Tepperman
@audacity522 · 0:25


You. Thank you so much. That is such a big help. I probably would have never figured that out. So I'm so happy that you told me. Thanks so much. And I am looking forward to being part of this community and having a place to say what's on my mind and meeting people who are interested in the same kind of things. So thank you for replying to my first podcast. Talking back soon