Aswin Gani 032
@Aswingani · 2:36

Deaf and dumb kid becomes the most powerful king

His father was the king and he's from the giant clan. Giant clan means the people in that clan are usually huge. So he's born to a giant clan member. So his father's name was Boss and that guy's name was Boji. Right. Deaf and dumb kid's name was Boji. So what happens? What this anime is about is the journey on how the deaf, dumb, and weakest boy on the planet becomes the most powerful king you've ever seen. Right?
54_Mahak Bansal
@Mahakbansal2004 · 0:55


Hi. A very nice and true topic. That is Jeff and Dumb kid become the most powerful. Yes, and the way you told all this is very nice and it's true. I 100% agree with all your points. So thank you so much for sharing this. Well, have a nice day. Take care