Carly D
@AstroalityΒ Β·Β 2:56

All work and no play… πŸ€πŸŽ™οΈ collective energy

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The universe is saying, you better sit down or I'm going to have to sit you down. The tower moment indicates it can either be a happy surprise, a happy shock, an unexpected event that is good for you, or it can be an unexpected event that you do not like. And when you get the Eight of Pentacles coupled with the Lovers, coupled with the King of Swords and the High Priestess, this is basically saying, the King of Swords is not willing to budge

#tarot #intuitivetarot #tarotreading #mediumship #channeledmessages #intuituveguidance

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepperΒ Β·Β 2:12

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

It's one of the reasons why I can't work in an office, because I go crazy. I hope you are having a great day. I hope that you're going to have a fantastic weekend. And I'll work in no play makes me a doll boy. All work, no play makes me a doll boy. Carla Peno
Carly D
@AstroalityΒ Β·Β 0:51


Because they would always be like, Jesus, why can you not focus? And when I am focused, I'm really focused. But when I need a break, I need a break. And the problem with having those regular nine to five jobs is you don't get to choose when you have a break. Right? You get assigned when you have a break. So I totally get it. I'm glad that you understand my brain, because you go through some of the same things
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

So it was interesting that he came on on here and the lovers card came on there because I've had a very difficult time with this King of swords in my life. And I was glad to see the tower because the tower just exploded. Something happened that kind of broke the ice, I guess, in between me and the King of Swords, the energy. And it's interesting that High Priestess, I would consider myself a High Priestess because I'm a PISCES and a spiritual person
Carly D
@AstroalityΒ Β·Β 1:33
Oh, sweet soul sister, I feel your energy so much, and I'm sorry to hear that. It's been a challenging week, but I'm so happy that the energies are finally starting to balance out for you. King of swords and PISCES can be really tough energy to navigate. And you're right, these tower moments do happen for our highest and greatest good, right