Benedict G
@Asktheturtle · 3:54

What would environmentalists do if things get sorted out

You? Hi, my name is Benny from Ask the Turtle. One of these questions has been nagging me for some time. What would environmentalists do if the world becomes a cleaner place? Why am I asking this question? Of late, I have been following a couple of environmental list and posts and both LinkedIn and Twitter. Now I realized that most of them are so kind of caught up with the issue that they do not look at the solution

Of late. I took a little bit of interest in environment related issues. Then I realise something which I thought I would share.

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:30
Hi. Actually, after listening to as well, I could understand the perspective of an environmentalist and I got a clarity on the things that you are discussing. So basically, when we look at things as a common man and when we look at things as certain professional, the way we think and the way we act are completely different. That's what I could understand from your swell