Benedict G
@Asktheturtle · 3:50

Make work fun

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Hey, my name is Betty. I'm from Ask the Turtle. Today, I'm going to talk to productivity enthusiasts and fun seekers. Welcome back to The Productivity and Play, a podcast where we uncover the secrets of turning work into a great adventure. I'm your host, and today we are diving straight into the topic that will tickle your funny bone. And get ready for some meditative planning with a playful twist. Now, calendars and to do lists can be intimidating as a grumpy cat

How do we get work to work for you ? Here is a simple trick. Listen to work dont just jump in and try to do it

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:13
Hello. I agree. Most of us feel that work is really hard to do. Or sometimes we have a feel that, okay, today is a holiday. That means, yes, we got some time out for us. And the moment we start thinking in this way, our work we feel our work as a burden, not as a pun. And I really allowed the way you made work fun through the tips that you have shared