Benedict G
@Asktheturtle · 2:17

Defying conformity: Son’s Pursuit of Wisdom in History, philosophy and Theology Bears Resiliance amidst struggle

Hi, I'm Benny. Here. I want to write something about my son. My beloved son. So I realized that he in this world where many followed the conventional path of education, which led to financial security, my son dared to chase his passion and purpose. He stepped away from the lemmings. He dwelled into realms of history, philosophy and theology. He sought wisdom and understanding beyond the mundane. Yet his path was not without its challenges
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:32
Hello Benny. Firstly I would really like to appreciate you because when people take such decisions they need the strength and support. So basically when we are not following the conventional path and we are trying to create something new, the support that we get from our families utmost important because that is the fuel which actually allows us to move forward it. And I really appreciate you because you understood it and you also supported your son
ash dew
@ashdew · 1:02
You. Hi. It's so good to hear and encouraging that, you know, your child could follow his heart, and he did what he wanted to do. And the fact that you as a parent, you know, gave him the freedom to choose what he wanted to, I think that's really, really amazing. And I hope that, you know, more parents can learn from you and that they let their child follow their dreams and give them the freedom to decide