ash dew
@ashdew · 2:42

Winter always turns to spring!

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Sometimes we feel that even after praying and doing good karma, our life is still filled with struggles. Be assured, from the perspective of the eternity of life, there is no doubt that we have already entered the orbit of attaining Buddha hood and realizing a life state of absolute happiness that remains indestructible for eternity. We are getting rid of the backlog of bad karma, that is from previous lives, and so we must not come to struggles of life and become bitter and practice negative karma

#motivation #buddhism #faith #dontgivein #dontgiveup #movingon #ashdew

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:59
Am. Thank you for sharing this. And yes, I think it is this thought that drives us right to move ahead, to remember that this too shall pass. And I think that's very rightly said, those karmas that we have accumulated, we have to burn. And also the challenge is to not to create fresh karmas, right? Because sometimes we do feel hopeless and frustrated and in the process end up giving in to those emotions
Dayakar Rapaka
@Wizdaya · 1:16
Hi Ash, thank you for sharing this. I have been listening to your swells since day one and I see you experienced troubles in your personal life and relationship issues. But you didn't give up or cave in. Instead you held firm and addressed the challenges and emerged victorious. And that's a great thing. That's not an easy process. So you reminded us that even in the face of hardships, we have the ability to transform it into happiness
Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:06


Wow. I really enjoyed listening to this podcast. Thank you
aamna singh
@aamy · 1:44

Faith,practice,study 🌸@ashdew

So whether it's Buddhism, whether it's any religion or spiritual belief that one comes from, I think the core is very much the same. And one needs to know that this is the fundamental change that is required, that you understand that it's all for love. And by the end, I think we can just say that that's how we can heal the world and how we can heal one another and change this place for a better version. So thank you for sharing and thank you
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:25
Hello, ma'am. I am Kadambari Gupta and thank you for this swell. I am sorry I couldn't reply to your previous swells as I was really busy and caught up with work. But I think this swell was very much needed as we all go through bad times. And your swell was really, really needed today, ma'am. Thank you so much for this. Thank you so much for for sharing your excerpts about Buddhism, because I have heard a lot
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:16
This winter will undoubtedly turn into spring soon. Wherever there is any doubt, there is hope as well. Thank you so much for sharing this well with us. Have a lovely evening. Bye