Aryan p
@Aryan1234ย ยทย 0:50


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We have a science fiction epics set on an aligned world it's a classic story of a good guys heroes who must overcome a battle with himself to to do what is right although the movies does not actually have the biggest twist done on a surprise it's similarly set out to do what movies like Star Wars the ones in the 70 seconds and 80 seconds that is stronger than us a little with the latest in special effects classic story and us with a very creative world
Shivam Nigam
@Shivam_nigam_ย ยทย 0:03
Most logical movie I have ever seen
Sahil Gulati
@Sahil913ย ยทย 0:04
Most logical movie I have ever seen
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

abhishek baghel
@Abhi780481ย ยทย 0:05


Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135ย ยทย 0:39
I was would recommend you to watch it too because if you are a Sci-Fi fan if you love to know about space and universe and I feel that this is a movie for all the Sci-Fi fans and everybody must watch it at least once a month to Christopher Norland so his movies are really great to watch do watch fans. If you liked it then do let me know. Thanks