Michael Raper
@armyprof · 4:53

#TellYourStory | Adventures in fatherhood: how not to handle a badly soiled diaper (if you want to keep your wife happy…)

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So I pick her up quickly, and I'm holding her out at arm's length. I've got my hands under her elbows. She's got it on her fingers. Giggling and laughing. She thinks it's just a fun game. Daddy's holding her up in the air, and she's just like, oh, my God. From the waist down to her knees. I was like, what am I going to do? I can't get this on the furniture

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp20 @wordsmith

Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 3:38

Oh, I laughed at that! #dadhood

It. Now, I don't agree with man bashing in general. Let me just start with that. But there is an obvious if you leave a child alone with somebody and they don't have any clue what to do, and you think they've been paying attention for the last six months, but they really haven't been paying attention. Because this is something I've learned about men
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:54
And I was like, is that what that thing is used for? I literally had zero idea. And so that was one. The other thing that happened was, now I'm nursing him and also bottle feeding so his dad can have the experience of holding and feeding as well. And milk had dribbled in between his neck. Now, when he was freshly born, I was not bathing him every day to protect the nutrients on his skin