Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:33

Maa - No you are not gone - Poetic Musings -3

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Today I am going to share with you something that's very close to my heart. This is an ode to my mother that I wrote after almost seven years of her passing away. It took me that long to process that she was no longer with me physically. In fact, this was not my biological mother. She was the person who brought me up. She was my nurturing mother. She remained the center stage of my life as long as she was around

#arianawrites #poetry #poeticmusing #she #mother #maa #mom #youarenotgone

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:36
Hello, ariana. This well really stole my heart, I should say. Like the note that you wrote to your mother made me so emotional and I could connect myself to your swell a lot. And really, every line that you stated, every line through which you described the word mother is really, really amazing. Thank you so much for giving us this wonderful experience through your as well. Looking forward to listen such masterpieces from you. Thank you so much
Ariana .
@ariana. · 1:09


I have been on a break from swell for some time, owing to my health, and I'm back now, and I had actually bookmarked all these swells that I wanted to reply to, and I'm starting on these responses now. So yours is the first one in that bookmarked response. So I want to call out that I really appreciate your responses on all my swells consistently. I love the way you appreciate every single aspect of not just my but any other person's