Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:43

My Love Affair with writing

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This is your true love because it connects you with me, your inner self, in a manner that nothing and no one can ever replace. And as a realization of this reality, this truth sets in a silent promise I make to myself to never abandon this love again. A detailed account of the day when I started writing again followed, which, of course, is for the personal archives

#love #writing #loveaffair #writingforhealing # blessings

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:10
You. That's the best love affair one can have. And thank you for sharing this with us. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 3:04
So I am impressed by hearing from you that you have love affair with writing. So maintain your love affair and keep devoting your time in beautiful writing, creative writing. And I believe you will carry on getting happiness, joy you it. So keep spreading this hobby. It's amazing
Ariana .
@ariana. · 0:21


Thank you, Ranjana. It indeed is a beautiful love affair. And an affair that I can't give up on at all whatsoever. Writing is such an integral part of my life, I can't even begin to explain. Thank you so much for responding on my swell and hope to hear more from you. Take care. Bye
Ariana .
@ariana. · 2:48


They may not even do it very regularly. They may not share it with others when they do it. So we really don't know. And while I agree that life has become very mechanical, I also want to acknowledge that this particular generation, the current generation, those the kids who are in their late teenager, teenage or early generation, is very creative, highly creative. And I've seen my son, I have seen his friends and my friends children as well
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:02
Most welcome and all the best. Bye