Robert White
@Apollo732 · 1:29

Reading of Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink

Vincent malay love is not all It is not meat, nor drink, nor slumber, nor a roof against the rain, nor yet a floating spar to men that sink and rise and sink and rise and sink again. Love cannot fill the thickened lung with breath, nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone. Yet many a man is making friends with death even as I speak for lack of love alone

#poetry #reading

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:44

#love #poetry #mindset

Hey, thanks for sharing this poem. Yeah, pretty, pretty powerful message. Just how love is almost unexplainable and unexplicable, and it just simply is. And we try to come up with words and string them together so eloquently and beautifully to portray the feeling or sensation, but it feels like it always comes up short, right? Love is a lot, and words are just an imitation of that sensation, in my opinion
Robert White
@Apollo732 · 1:11


It's. Thank you so much for your comment. I agree. I do believe love kind of transcends language because language is always trying to put audio kind of symbols to experiences and something that we have constructed and so many different languages, so many different dialects, so many different etymological kind of constructs over the millennia. And so, yeah, I agree that it's completely something that an experience that is essential to our very well being and life, but we're trying to put it into words