Andrew Beckford
@AOBTalk · 5:00

When Is It Ok To Quit?

But the very first few hikes, we don't know the location, we know the miles, the amount of miles, but we don't know the distance, right? We know we're going to go up some hills and down some mountain face valleys, whatever. So in the midst of this journey, we're carrying packs or rifles. We're wearing all kinds of gear, and it's heavy. And each minute that goes by, those gear get heavier and heavier
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:36
Sometimes it's just realigning with your values. Sometimes the goals you set for yourself, you end up succeeding in. But they weren't the goals you thought they would be. The goals probably for most people are to be number one, to be the hero, the champ. But sometimes people can have a hard time swallowing that pill that they are supporting, character. Their job is to make others number one and to be better and to be great. Sometimes you have to quit