Andrew Beckford
@AOBTalk · 4:57

Patience is your biggest challenge.

And I know a lot of you out there are in the same position where you've been going at this for several months, maybe a couple of years. And the result doesn't it's not what you've anticipated or what you hope for, but you have to remember that in order for that result to come, you have to keep working. You have to keep grinding. Right? And nurture what that seed that you planted

Change your mindset, change your attitude, be patient, and watch the results.

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:22
Yes, I want to be a multimillionaire already, and I am already a multimillionaire there, and I'm on my way to witnessing my multimillionaire status, and I'm going to be patient on this journey with myself and with the process and with the universe, because I know that the universe always provides. And so this issue is already solved. I don't even have to put any level of anxiety or palpitations or any of those symptoms that go along with being anxious to it, because that's spiritually
Andrew Beckford
@AOBTalk · 4:58
Hey, JL, thanks for your response. That was actually pretty insightful. I enjoyed listening to it. You know, you said a lot of things that are so important and so true, like, you know, you know, balance, know, and I'm actually going to do a swell on that, too. Balance is everything. And as you said, you could put in 1 hour today or 20 hours today, it really comes down to your body