Anya Sood
@anya08 · 0:44

Man rescued from a rubble of a 6 story building after 149 hours of the earthquake struck

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Hey, guys. I'm sure you're all aware of the tragic earthquake that recently hit Turkey. Today I'm going to share a horrifying story of a man who was rescued from the rubble of a collapsed building in the southern Turkey's Hate province after 149 hours of the earthquake struck. The man, identified as Mustafa, was found amid the rubble of a six story building. During scans, search and rescue teams as well as military personnel worked 5 hours to save the man
Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 1:29
Hi, Anya. Thank you so much for bringing light to one of the most heartbreaking earthquakes that have taken place recently in Syria and Turkey. And this horrifying story about a man who almost escaped death in and being one of the lucky ones. Out of all the people who out of all the millions of people who lost their lives in this heartbreaking earthquake, it is so good to see that the government is taking imminent measures and making sure that the people that can be saved are being saved