Anya Sood
@anya08 · 0:50

Why should we eat our greens everyday? What's the importance?

Food also boosts your immunity, gives you more energy and stamina, and eating healthy also makes you lose weight. Overall, eating junk food once in a blue is fine, but try not eating it every day, all day, because it makes you much more prone to diseases and all those scary disorders and everything. Thank you

#importantceofeatinghealthy #collegevoiceindia #swellcast

luv kumar
@luv69 · 1:03
Hello, Anya. So it's love from this and I just heard yourself and it was really informative. I got a lot of knowledge about green vegetables that I already knew, but it reminded me that I need to eat healthy foods, which I have not been doing for a while now since I've been into fitness
The Global Agenda
@TGA · 0:30
Yeah, I definitely agree with you. Eating healthy also avoids majority of health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. All of these things are followed when you don't follow a healthy diet, and you also don't feel fatigued, you don't feel lousy. You feel pretty energetic when you're eating healthy foods. And it gives a lot of nutrition to your body, which helps physical growth and all of those things. So I definitely agree that we should eat our greens every day