anushri arora
@Anushri_1710 · 0:51


Animals are very sensitive to these sounds and they just get a lot scared because of the sudden noises. And even if you are just forcing crackers, it's better not to tease animals because of being scared they might bite you and at the end it would be your trouble for you. So have a safe day and please don't disturb animals like this
Classic Cupcake
@Classic_Cupcake · 1:09
I think it's a really important message, a message that a lot of people need to hear, really, because it enrages me. And it's really frustrating to see people burst crackers around animals. And I have so seen people doing really fastly stuff to the stray dogs and cats during these festive seasons. I mean, your joy in your festivity shouldn't come at the expense of someone else, right?