Anushka Seth
@anushkaaa.seth. · 4:42

Journaling 101

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After all, it's up to you how, when and what you want to write. Second point being, your diary doesn't have to be fancy. You might see all those beautiful diaries out there, all over the internet, over Pinterest, and you might think that wow, I want those. Okay, I know it feels nice to write in those and sure, you can buy them as well

#myfirst #journaling101 This is my first swell podcast, do let me know if it was good and provide me suggestions about how i can do better next time😊

news .
@news._.swell · 0:31


Hello, Anushka. I hope I'm pronouncing your name right. How are you? I really liked your swell. And I had one doubt, like as a beginner, how can I make a habit of journaling? I mean, like, as a beginner, one always procrastinates or feels lazy or something like that. How can I keep my procrastination aside? And how can I motivate myself to keep journaling every single day? Thank you
Anushka Seth
@anushkaaa.seth. · 1:31
Okay, so now the next day, you will be motivated to write about it because now you have things in your mind going on that you need to finish and let it on the paper. So, yeah, this was the technique that was helpful for me, and I found it useful, and I hope that it would be helpful to you as well. Thanks again