Antonia Moore
@AntoniaM · 5:00

Redefining Life as I age

Sometimes I'm preparing my face for pictures or video, and I look in the mirror and I was like, what is wrong with these people? Who wants to see a 57 year old wearing makeup? I mean. And I stopped and I said, Wait a minute. That is the very thinking that got women where we are now


Unity Eagle
@UnityEagle · 2:38

@AntoniaM sorry for the terrible soumd quality but recorded on my AirPods

Antonia was a great post. You know, I turned 50 last November, and you know what I realized? My spirit and my mind is going back. So it's getting younger each and every day. But my body is aging, you know what I mean? So my body is getting older, but my spirit is getting younger. And that's why we want to do all those things

@AntoniaM @UnityEagle Yes, yes, yes!!

I don't have much to add. I just wanted to say yes. Yes, yes. Ladies, I turned 47 last month and it's like all the shoulds and the odds have melted or continued to melt away. And when someone starts to use is a should type of phrase or evaluation statement of what ought to do that. This is what success looks like and this is what maturity should be and this is what adulting is, et cetera, et cetera