When we have grace for other people, we have kindness. We have a spirit of, like I said, patience. We work better with people. We not letting people walk over us, but we have a forgiving heart. We have an understanding heart. We show favor to other people. Grace and mercy for me goes hand in hand


Catherine Illene Miles
@CattCoaches · 4:32
Focusing more on grace and gratitude for 2023, which now that is now part of my everyday mantra, just something that I live by and walk by every day. Of course, there's love and then also grace, gratitude and giving. I think those three things, especially the first two, are very important because we are all guilty of something, right? And no matter how small or how big, we all ask for grace. We all want grace
Inspired Voice
@AnthonyAnthem · 1:42


And our intent is, I'm going to give you a couple of dollars for some food, our job is done. And if a friend asks, hey, can you owe me some money? I'm short this week for whatever, and we give it, our job is done. What they do with it is all on them
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:39
Or like, when my son was younger, I'll have him clean it up as good as best he can. But then as mom, I'm going to come behind and get in the cracks and crevices that he missed. And we just take care of it. Because one day these kids will be adults and out the house. And even though I might have a nice, clean house, these days that are moments will one day be just be memories
Inspired Voice
@AnthonyAnthem · 0:54


I'm going to use that to change my tone in certain arenas or in certain conversations, to be more graceful in speech as well as. So I thank you for that. I hope you have an awesome day