Inspired Voice
@AnthonyAnthem · 1:56

Trials, Tribulations, Testimonies and Triumphs

You woke up one day and you was like, how am I going to face this? You woke up one day thinking, wow, why me? But then you kept going. It was smaller than what you thought. That mountain was, in fact, a mohill. That valley was, in fact, a straight road. You have a lot in you. We have a lot in us. The Bible says we will go through trials, we will go through tribulations


Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:49


Good morning, Anthony. Thank you for this reminder. The Bible says that trials and tribulations, they come to make us stronger. They come to show us who we are and what is on the inside of us. And in this world, we are going to have trials and tribulations. But if we hold on and we remember, like you said, that we are victorious, then we will get through those and we'll get through them the correct way and we'll still have access to eternal life
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:08
You. Good morning. Thank you for this tea for Tuesday. It's interesting. We just had this conversation the other day. On Sunday, I was out with a group of friends, and we were talking about, one lady in particular was talking about how we tell our story. And it's on the same vein as this