Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:02

Let’s get rid of Mother’s / Father’s day. Let’s have Parent’s day instead

You. Hey, y'all. So yesterday was Mother's Day, as we know, and I'm a mom. I have a mom, so I was able to celebrate. But I also understand how holidays such as that can be very hard for a lot of people. Those who don't have their mothers, those who don't have children or no longer have their children. It's very hard. And that's the same with pick a holiday, father's Day, Christmas, valentine's Day

I’m not big on commercial holidays—because they are just that—marketing ploys. But, if we’re going to celebrate parents, let do both on the same day!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:17
Then that qualifies you to be able to celebrate Father's Day. Other than that, you don't get to celebrate Father's Day if you don't meet this criteria over here. And so I agree with you 100%. We have Grandparents Day in September. Why not just have Parents Day?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:32


Listen, if you take one day to show someone love and the rest of the year you are treating them like crap, what is one day going to do? Nothing. And although the Bible tells us, obviously, to honor our mother and father, if you ain't doing it all year, don't do it on one day. That's not honoring we already have birthdays, right? That's for those who celebrate. We already have birthdays. You know what?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:24


But at the same time, when I want to be sensitive to other people who just lost their mother in the last year since last Mother's Day, or those who have lost their mother a long time ago, who don't know their mother, who never had their mother in their life. So, yeah, it presents so many challenges. And I agree with you 100%. Thank you so much
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:41


It. Thanks for adding to this. And I want to add something else too, because this is just something that I'm definitely passionate about. My sister passed about seven months ago, and her daughter's on Facebook. Her daughter's 20, said she lives with me. And I got her a shirt for her mom. It's a picture that my best friend had made of them, and I had it put on. A T shirt were forever in my heart
Zen Momma
@ZenMomma · 3:04
It would celebrate those relationships, all of those relationships, in a way that leaves room and space for I feel like all of us, instead of making others feel left out in some way, like you said, or putting one parent over another parent or one person over another person because, you know, like or someone feeling like, you know, because they're not a mother. You've got people with dog parents and all those things
Kurtis Sherman
@ImJustSayin · 1:34
It's, sadly, all holidays are just commercial holidays anymore. Nobody well, I can't say nobody. I'm speaking in general terms. The meaning of holidays or days of remembrance or celebration are the meanings are largely gone, sadly. Father's Day, I got to call my father