Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:27

Should you change geographical locations to find love?

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The wants it thing, I think a lot of this thing is just simple, right? So if I'm living in North Carolina and I don't meet anyone and I'm not getting asked on dates, I don't have to stay there, especially if I know, okay, up north, I'm more of their type, or Texas, I'm more of their type. It's kind of simple when you think about it

If you havet met your person, why not expand your dating pool?

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:15


You, girl. I like this. I live in Texas. I get approached. I'm just not finding what's approaching to be what I need. I have never been okay, I take that back. I've been out of Texas twice. I went directly across the border to Mexico. Around, came right back. I have been directly across the border into Louisiana. And this was when I was way young. So, I mean, saw very little and came right back
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:50


They met him online, but they met and end up moving. And one is married, one is engaged, soon to be married. And it's funny because they said there's no men in Toronto, and yet they were able to find men here in the United States. And I also actually dated a guy in Toronto. So here I am down here in the States and yet met a man in Toronto
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:15
And so God brought them together here in Roanoke. They met through a mixer that was here, but neither were from here. And so I think this idea that if I'm going to get married, I have to move to a big city. I've got single friends in big cities, and they're just as single as can be. I mean, they live in places like La. They live in places like Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas. They live in DC
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:09
You. This was a very interesting swell. You know, I had it giving it a lot of thought, but what you're saying is very true. I'll give an example with me. So I live in Northern California, crickets up here, and then when I go visit my parents in Southern California in a smaller city, it is the same thing. I have people come up me all the time, and I'm also a dual citizen of Canada and the US
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:36
And I was blessed to meet people from all walks of life, mainly from California because that's where the cruise well, the travel agency was based out of California. There were a lot of Californians on the ship as well as other people from Washington state. I met some people from the Midwest. I met some people from a few people from New Jersey. It's just great to be in a different mix altogether. And of course, there were some people that lived in other countries as well
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:39


Ahead. Hi, Mark. Hi, Mark. Sorry about that. Thanks for stopping by. I like your reply because I think it sums up, if you will, what a lot of people feel. They'll move away for work, and that seems to be like a justifiable reason. But if you tell somebody, hey, I'm moving to find love, folks will look at you like, what? Why are you doing all that?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:36


Like if you're not meeting anyone, I don't know, before somebody waits till they're 80, 90 years old, they could say, hey, let me go somewhere else. Maybe they got a fresher bunch of cilantro. But of course, that's obviously very personal choice. It definitely is dependent on one circumstances, for sure. But thanks so much for chiming in, as always
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:33


But when I was looking online, I was working with a realtor, actually down in the Richmond area, Virginia. He was sending me a bunch of stuff. I noticed all the houses pretty much had like in the master bath, they had what I call a separate tub and shower. So it's probably a more fancy name, the en suite and all that. And that's what I like because I've never really seen that. I've never really seen that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:47


And being able to explore other places and meet people from other places really gives you a bird's eye view of what's out there. Right. And so your response even reminded me of the men that they call themselves the Passport Brothers, right? It's men that are pretty much tired of the pickings here in the US. Women in the west, and the modern women women, quote unquote, and they purposely seek wives
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 4:59

#relocating #love #relationships @MsColes77 @DearAuntyAng

I always thought that I would meet my man here in Massachusetts and that we would start our life from here. But, yeah, God has his own way of doing things. And I agree with Tanya about if it's right and you get confirmation from the Lord that's your husband, then you got to follow him
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:44


So it's good to be open, right? For some reason, we're born wherever we're born because our parents made a choice, and that doesn't mean we have to stay there. Even my parents migrated from the south at some point, they found Connecticut, and that's where they landed, but that's where they landed. So I feel like I'm kind of living their life now. Where am I supposed to go is my question
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 4:57


So, yeah, when I look at the map of the United States and I'm like, wow, Texas and Colorado are just, like, close to each other. And I was telling my daughter, I said, well, if I can't take the Texas heat in the summer, maybe I can move to Colorado and I could just drive over the border or whatever. It's just no difference between living Massachusetts or Connecticut or Rhode Island. So, yeah, I find that interesting
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:31


Because if you know where your purpose is, you know where you stand, you know, certain things are just not your leanne, and it just makes life smoother and easier. So anyone who knows their purpose or at least has an idea of the direction that they're going in is living a very blessed and successful life. And that seems like it's you. There's no way to send messages here, but I should probably see if I can send my Facebook information
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 1:16


I think if you go to the profile, your profile page, like your landing page, and you hit messages, and you can just I guess I haven't done it before, but I do know that there is a way to send direct messages. So, yeah, if you want to just look for that, it just says Messages at the top of the page. And, yeah, send me a message because I'd love to follow you on your other platforms
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Brandy Turner
@Paulette77 · 4:55
But then when you become a woman of a particular age, 45, and you are an empty nester like you were talking about, as you grow into your grown woman adulthood and your mature D level is up there, you start to change. We all evolve, right? So for me, it's just like I'm a type A personality and so for me, I do want to find love. And where I live, the men here are scarce. Okay
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59


They also know that the rent and one day their mortgage is going to be less expensive. The world is their oyster. And they said, well, we don't have to stay here. So the fact that they're all dating could just be that's where they landed. Right. But would they have those same type of guys up here? I don't know. Could they find a drug dealer up here? Yeah
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:48
And I know what I want. I don't play games. I'm still that person who wants the romance of dating, all of that. And I want communication. And a lot of times men these days don't want to communicate. I don't believe that it's a location thing. I believe it's a worldwide thing. I think that society is just different today. When we were younger I grew up in the 90s. I'm an 80s baby, I was born in 1980
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:49


The flip side of that is that I met someone in Toronto, and so here I am in the United States, met this great guy in Toronto. We're not together now, but we were long distance during Pandemic, but I met him. They live in Toronto and they went to the US to find somebody. So I guess the idea behind this question, or even my response to, like, yeah, you could change locations, is because I think sometimes we take certain things for granted
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
I mean, my spirit, your spirit, and it's like an unspoken language to be able to stare at somebody, and you can see the beauty. You can see not see through them, but you can see al the beauty that's in them. You can see the God in them. And then she says what? I'm just looking at you. Even the way she would say that, what were you looking at? Or whatever
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:52


It seems to be not the favorable response when it comes to doing anything intentionally for love. So that might be a whole new swell cast and I'm going to start that up. So thank you so much, grey Seven, for chiming in. As always, appreciate
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


And it's really amazing to see when you get that connection, you know what I mean? You hear about people so in love and been together for so long, because my mom and dad was together when they was, like, 16 years old. And one passes and the other one goes not too long after that of a broken heart. I believe in love. It's not that I'm not picky. I believe it's a spiritual connection. And sometimes it feels lazy to me, actually
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
Me, like, one more thing. I really believe in it, and I've got my b*** kit pretty good. I see the set up now, and I really didn't think somebody could do somebody like that for that amount of time, you know what I mean? Or if it started going bad, that you would at least be woman enough to say, look, I'm not dealing with this or I'm going or whatever, you know what I mean?