Anjali talks
@Anjuuu · 2:05

Just learn to be alone

If you understand it and when you accept it, then everything is going to be fine one day. Friends will not be there with us always. They have their own priorities, they have their own life. No matter what, don't expect anything from anybody. Don't expect somebody to love you. Don't expect somebody to approach you for anything. Nothing is going to come to you with free of cost. Everything will come to you as per your karma and the deeds which you do
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:59
Hi. I think you ended this well on a beautiful note when you said that at the end of the day, what really matters is being a kind person, being a better person. And that's what we should strive for, which I absolutely, absolutely agree with. And as you said, that we can't really we shouldn't really expect things from people of Lot because at the end of the day, I think completely relying on other people for your well being can be detrimental
Anjali talks
@Anjuuu · 1:21


It is important to understand the fact that being alone should not be treated as a judgmental factor. It's our own space which we should enjoy and depending too much. And being afraid to be alone can be a barrier. As some people are not good at communicating and making friends, this makes them feel they are of no use. And I deny and support this sort of people. That there is no wrong to be alone and enjoying your peace is wonderful