Aniya Vaid
@Aniya · 4:25
We have a relationship between a mother, between a child, between a mother and child, husband and wife, friends between friends, between a father and daughter, between a daughter and mother. There are a lot of relationships we have so today particularly we are talking about each and every relationship. You can share your views, ideas about each part of your journey so I'm sharing about mine, about the family relations we have. In my family, I belongs to a Punjabi family first

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt Different culture

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:10
Why are we making it for fun or a kind of enjoyment? When you are saying I'm in relation with someone that means you are spending your time, your affection, everything on someone which has to last forever. But these days everything has become temporary and we are waiting for readymade solutions. We don't have patience to just even wait for one day. So that is the kind of era we are into
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:42
While in the fast paced nature of this modern life can impact relationship like time constraints and the light weight that person hold. On this big word relationship and also the expectations and instant gratification has heightened the standards and desires for quick response. Because of the growth of technology. So yeah, these are the some factors that can mark the evolving way family relationships from the traditional view to the modern view. And that's all from my side, so happy listening. Bye