Anisha Khureja
@anishakhureja · 2:39

Peer pressure is a big problem !🙂

So Hi guys. Anisha this side. So there's a very important thing that we need to discuss. So as we know that there are many, many people and teenagers that do things under the peer pressure. Like there are many, many teenagers who start doing alcohol, who start doing drugs under the things of peer pressure, under the things or their surroundings

#swellpodcasts #sayitonswell #peerpressure

Satyam Tiwari
@satyamtiwari · 0:36
Anisha I totally agree with you on this thing. Peer pressure is a big problem nowadays because like most of our friends are doing like someone is taking drugs, someone is smoking cigarette, someone is doing alcohol, blah, blah, blah. So what they do is in the peer pressure, they tell you to have a sip, have a sip or have a puff. With that single puff or with a single sip. You're life changes and you get addicted to those things