Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 2:08

Favourite Read: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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And tell me what are your favorite books? And I would like to sign off with my favorite quotes from the book where Sam asks, Why do I and everyone I love choose people who treat us like they are nothing? And in reply to that, it's the very famous quote. We accept the love we think we deserve. It's a beautiful thing. I can quote it off by heart. I promise you. I'm not looking at the book and I'm saying it

#bookrecommendations #favouritebooks #perksofbeingawallflower

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:56
But though I have Kindled on my phone, I haven't really been reading, so I'll definitely usually put this on my list. Thank you for that and I hope you enjoyed your Chai angering. Wish you a happy weekend. Bye