
The most unusual thing I have ever eaten...

article image placeholderThe Swell Questionnaire
I've had sea urchin before. I was at a sushi restaurant. It was my favorite sushi spot when I was in college, and my friend and I would go there. It was like our weekly ritual, once a week at least. And we started going through the menu, and one of the things was sushi with sea urchin or something like that. Yeah, it was okay. It wasn't disgusting. It was definitely strange. It was probably the strangest thing I've eaten is sea urchin

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp2 https://s.swell.life/SU9gq9w31tSTJYr #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
I love that. That sounds so fun to, like, go through the menu of your place where you're a regular at. I need to. I need to start doing that because, yeah, I feel like I would never order sea urchin on a menu. I've never had sea urchin, but now I'm, like, so curious, and it's crazy that it's just, like, in our grasp to try something so, so out there. But, yeah