Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59

#AskSwell - Do you think everyone can be an Entrepreneur or are some people supposed to be employees?

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I was looking at that the other day, and they said somebody had made like $100,000 selling these journals on Amazon. I know. TikTok shop. I saw somebody had a Shadow work journal book, which is another healing process book journaling book. And people were buying it. And so all of these different things that people are coming up with as far as entrepreneurship, I'm all for it. Listen, do it. I'm all for it. But my question is this

#AskSwell #business #society #culture #teach #advice

Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
And it's kind of like if you have the wherewithal to keep pushing it, eventually they'll take a look at it and go from there. But I'm looking at a situation where I wanted to open up a barbershop in my old neighborhood when I retired. And when I started making the plans, it was a whole lot easier because you could just go to barber school. But they don't have that in my state anymore. So you got to go through the whole thing
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 2:50
Then they ended up buying another one, but went and bought cards like CEO, CFO, president. I'm like, it's a photo booth. Don't get me wrong. I'm quite sure you can build it up to be a photo booth mecca, but what's up with the CEO, CFO and all that kind of stuff? It's crazy. You can't tell people's motives. But yeah, I'm pushed into it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:57
And then God puts good people in your path that do help you get a leg up, whether it's through seed capital, whether it's just through tips or meeting the right people or having the right resources. But yes, you do need workers. You need employees, and you need nine to five people that will support your business. You need folks that will support your business. I made a post
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:04
And that's all she was interested in. And then her business declined, and she no longer has it, and now she's working in one of these furniture stores here. It happens. I applaud anybody that goes back to a nine to five that doesn't let their pride get them to a place where they feel like they're too good to go back to working for somebody else. I applaud people who recognize, hey, I got to keep it real with myself
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
As soon as you see the place, you know what you're getting yourself into. But the kind of barbershops that I grew up in where everybody was cool the same conversation, but show some respect and you got a life lesson at the same time you got a haircut
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:57
I do whatever I got to do. I had one woman tell me, she said, you know what? You are so nice. You are intelligent and you're a very handsome man. And the best part about it is you don't know it. I said, it ain't for me to say because I ain't falling for the okie doke anyway
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:27


Or you could partition it off and have something for both of them. And then you could get your license while you were doing that, you know what I'm saying? While you're still making money, they can be in there making money for you. And then you could get your license. Maybe you could even do Mike, an apprenticeship thing with somebody who's already licensed. So don't count yourself out on that
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:03


It's not really how it works. But, yes, I agree with you. All these people around here talking about they get in the bag, they get in the bag, all right, but it ain't the bag that they want everybody to think they get. So, yeah, I totally agree. Thanks, as always, for contributing to this conversation
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:58


And it ain't just about making money, but taking care of the business part. That's a part of the entrepreneurial mind. And a lot of people don't have that mind. And that's another reason why I know everybody is not supposed to be an entrepreneur. Because you don't have the business mind. All you're thinking about is making the money. You're not thinking about the business part of it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:38


And some of these YouTube platforms and social media platforms have everybody thinking that man, I just had this concept and then boom, I just became a millionaire one day. And so when people look at entrepreneurship, they look at it as, oh, all I gotta do is start a business and everything fixes itself. I'm part of this financial group on Facebook and a lot of times when people in there lose their job, the first thing people say is, well, just start a business
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:53
Hey, Andrea. No. Everyone is not called to be entrepreneur. Heck, half the entrepreneurs ain't called to be entrepreneurs. But you are, right? During Pandemic, it was just this rise in social media influencers. All these people started businesses and made money, quote, unquote, because a whole lot of folks was lying. But a whole lot of folks made money. But they don't really tell you what they put into the business. Sales are difference in profit
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:42
Not if you're not ready to work extended hours and work harder than anyone else. Dedicate blood, sweat and tears to that particular job up. Because you're going to be doing that job thinking in the middle of night waking up in the middle of night with an idea to put into fruition. Well, I don't know. Maybe that's just me. And then employees, you have people looking up to you. You want them to do right, right
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Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:38


Because I want to see how much you paid in taxes for the quarter, and I want to see how much you paid on your sales tax, especially for people that will say, when I was doing my business coaching, I was like, you all do realize if you're selling stuff online, if you're selling stuff and you're promoting that, you're selling it
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:49


Once you begin to have employees, you may even have to work longer than that, because you got to make sure you got everything for the employees taken care of, because you got to run payroll and you got to do that, and then you got to do accounts payable, accounts receivable, all of that kind of stuff. And so, yeah, it's a big job. It's a big undertaking
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:49


But it there's a lot that goes into becoming an entrepreneur. And like you said, if you're a lazy person, entrepreneurial ship really isn't for you because you can't be lazy and be an entrepreneur. If you are, you'll never have any money. You have to be really hard working to be an entrepreneur