Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:28

#AskSwell is pro-life from the womb to the tomb?? Please click the link for context.

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If you're pro life, you are concerned about the child, about the baby, not just when the mother can abort the baby, but once the baby gets here. You're concerned about education. You're concerned about just everything concerning the child. And so my question is, do you agree with that? Right? If somebody is pro life and I know this is kind of political, but we don't have to take it completely political, right?

#society #discussion #life #culture https://s.swell.life/STmdEwJJt2WvQJK

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:06
Hey, SIS. I absolutely believe that we should be pro life from the womb to the tomb, from the time of conception to the time of death, we should be pro life. My concern is, I know that certain political sides like to throw jabs at the other side by saying, well, after the baby is born, you're no longer concerned about its growth maturation, its education, its safety, et cetera
And even if you did need to receive those, it's not a means to an end. It's a stepping stone. You need it right now, but you may not need it in the future. But you got to think about your child. You got to think about things more expensive in the grocery store now get your butt down there and apply for WIC in your county that you live in
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Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:19


We have to talk about the fathers who are absent from the homes, right? We have to talk about that stuff, too. That's a part of it. That's a part of that child growing and maturing correctly. We have to talk about women using and I'm not saying this is not just black people. White people do it, too. We have to talk about people using abortion as birth control. We have to talk about all that stuff, right?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:45


We mean as they grow up and become adults and the violence that's happening in our community and the things that are going on, we're talking about those things as well. We're not just talking about Medicaid. Yes, I do agree with you. They should open up medicaid. Medicaid. The requirements for Medicaid are too strict. They should open up Medicaid to more people. I agree. I believe that they should open up the food stamps to more people


Can I give him a standing ovation? I love this. Yes. And I love the phrase womb to the tomb. It's clever, it's snappy, it's good. I couldn't agree more. And what I really loved too, about what he said is when I hear people talk about it being beyond birth for the child up through adulthood and so on, you'll hear other arguments, s, maybe guns will come into the conversation
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:00
His business probably brings in four or 500,000 a year. This man has food stamps and husky for his daughter, because technically, although he owns the business, what he pays himself on the books, if you will, is under the amount of qualify, all right? So I'm not saying be fraudulent. No, but if you could go and apply and the numbers are right, listen don't have no baby starving because of some pride now, okay?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:31
I'm not saying that at all because that's not what I'm saying. But I will say right, listen, if, you know, Pookie ain't taking care of his other kids that he got around town, then don't be sleeping with Pookie and making another baby that you can't or Pookie can't afford to feed, because what are we doing to our babies?


Yeah, well, listen, if I needed some food stamps, believe you me, I will take myself right on down there and apply for them. But unfortunately, I'm single, I'm divorced, I'm divorced, and so I don't have any children. It's just me. And in all honesty, we're all one hospital
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:08


Listen, okay? Because them PEBT food stamps came in clutch. Okay. Clutch it's been a few times. I mean, my pastor and my first lady, they even talked about it because when the pandemic started, they had six children at home. And so all the kids got their food stamp cards. And my first lady said she would go down the line and check in to see which one had put some money on there
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


And the pastor called her into his office because he wanted to talk to her because he assumed that she had had sex with a man and got pregnant. And she was like, no, I didn't. I got artificially inseminated. And so it was another conversation. My thing is, why are you doing that to me? That's kind of selfish, right?
In regard to once you leave your cup or your food, go to the bathroom and come back, it's no longer yours. Reorder it again. Never drink anything. You don't see anybody. Poor life safety tips, including STD education. They call it family planning. Now. You had young girls having STDs and walking around with them, spreading them around to everybody, and they were scared to go to the doctor. They were unable to go to the doctor unless a parent was with them
What is your mental status at this moment? How are you thinking about life at this moment? It could be on a different caliber of someone else, again, based on the culture that you are raised in. So a come up could be having another baby, because having another baby, it would give me, I don't know, 50 more dollars on my EBT card or 100 more dollars on Gosh. Then it was called Tan of Temporary Aid for Needy Families
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Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:27


You. Hey, beautiful soul mind. I agree with everything you said about it being about mindset, because it really is. There's a phrase that says whether you think you can or you think you can't. You're right. And so it's funny, too, because people will often use the phrase generational curses, which I believe that's true, but some people say, no, it's not generational curses, it's generational choices, which I believe is true, too
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:57


If one is raising their family right and instilling great mindsets in their children and grandchildren, whatever, what more can you really ask, right? It's a lot. Now I believe I'm raising my son's, right. My eldest son is 27, and he is doing very well in life and not just financially. Like, he's got a great head on his shoulders. Mindset. But I've also reached out. I used to work in education for nearly 20 years