Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00

Healing to heal - don’t allow people to stop your healing. You are healing for you not them!!!

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article image placeholderUploaded by @Andrea_Speaks
You have to be okay with the fact that sometimes people are a part of your healing, but they can't stop your healing. The only person that can stop your healing is you. You have to be okay with the apologies that you'll never receive. And so that's where I'm at

#healing2heal #lifejournal #inspiration #advice #mentalwellness #confession #family #relationships

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:37

#family #healing #success

But I think ultimately we can begin to recognize the patterns and where we're holding on to certain expectations, beliefs and then without being too judgmental, we can maybe identify how people we love are doing the same and then just kind of help them on their healing journey by simply wishing them loving success and healing. It's hard to really influence other people's healing intentionally or consciously because a lot of people don't want to be helped until they're ready to be helped
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:05


So we've been working on it, and it's a work in progress, but that doesn't mean that there's not going to be times where something may trigger something, as the world says, trigger. But for me, it's in those moments where I have to just remind myself that I am in a healing process. And although sometimes she may say things and it may sting, she's not saying it intentionally to hurt me. That's just a wound in me that is still healing
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 5:00

Warm hugs

So when you're ready, I would ask these questions, especially if she called and initiated the conversation, because you definitely deserve more than I don't remember. And also understand that you deserve more than to be breadcrumbed. And just because you're no longer feeling well or want to have a conversation with them now and they want to pull you in, that's not okay. You could possibly ask maybe some family members that were around during that time. And I get
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Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:40
But like I said, that took some time, and we were talking about six years now where I got to that point to be able to have that discussion. Healing is definitely a journey. I can never refute that statement, and I wish you the best on it. I think it's great that you found her, your family, and I really hope that bond that you're looking for can be had
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:39
Hey, Ms. Andrea, thanks for sharing this, I mean, the vulnerability that you shared with us about this. And let me say I'm sorry. You know, I know that I don't have to be, you know, sorry for you, but I just feel bad because your mom has such an opportunity right now to get to know you, to express the joy that she should feel for having you. So for that I'm sorry that she's not doing that correctly yet
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Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:35


She's doing the best that she can do, and she has dementia, and so I don't push her a lot because, one, it's not necessary, and two, she has two children that she raised, and I would never want to be the cause of anything bad happening to her. And then they were left here without a mom, because I know how it feels to not have your mom here, because my mom is gone, and I'm talking about my adoptive mom
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:31


Yes, I share with you all, I share things with you all, but it's mine to deal with, I have to live it. I'm not saying anything about your situation because I don't know. But I do appreciate your comments because I meant to do a swell before about my mom and I didn't. So I think I'm going to do it now and I'll invite you to it