Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 1:54

If even just a few big fossil fuel emitters talked about phasing out, we could change the narrative for massive #ClimateInfluence

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So people, all we really need are a couple of emitters, big emitters, to phase out, to talk about phasing out. And that would be the same in any other sector in need of transition. We just need a couple of leaders to stick their noses out and say and do that. They are phasing things out and we can wrap a whole narrative or story around that. So it gave me hope

Dr Katharine Hayhoe re #COP28 https://s.swell.life/STx8w6tkWL6l5gu

Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 2:42

Next generation value

The future success of every nation depends on the next generation having something that they can work with and doing well with it. So the story from this family business was the set of sustainability had heard very clearly from the children, the adults, but the children who were in line to succeed their parents as the owners and operators of this family business demanding of their parents and aunts and uncles that all plastic packaging be replaced with glass packaging and beverages. And the company was doing it
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Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 3:34

#ClimateInfluence starts with those brave souls acting for future gnerations and the climate-panicked, emboldened few

And also, at least I'm limiting emissions in my city and realizing also that I could be some sort of a social norm shifter for my community, my constituents. So I love that and it's really interesting because I come at this, I don't have any kids, but time and time again, everyone I talk to that gets into a real I'll give you another term that a sustainability leader I talked with yesterday mentioned, and that is this term climate panicked