There would be more inner conversations me creating a better understanding of who I was meant to be. If I could go back in time, I would smile a little more, laugh a little bit louder, live life a lot better focusing on my dreams, selfishly, learning to love and cherish me

#Poetry #NewBook #WritingIs Life

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:29
Wow. This was beautiful. And also nostalgic and a little bit sad. Well, I don't know if sad, but I felt moved by it. I felt like it helped us get to know you just by this kind of retrospective. I like all the things that are left. Life kind of unsaid mysterious, but really intriguing. Thank you so much for sharing this poem
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 0:36
It's absolutely beautiful and inspiring and feel the same way. I really can resonate with what you're saying and thought. It was lovely following you now, and we'll check out your other things as I can. Um I hope you will. Me, too. It's good to see you on here, and I look forward to listening to more of your poetry. Bye