Akanshya Kajol
@AKA381 · 0:52

I tried saving me

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I tried saving me. What made it awful that you cannot be yourself every day feeding the pillow. Get out of your filthy bed and sit in silence. Introspect that suits. I tried preserving happiness, but when I tried being in it, it gets destroyed. Triggered stuff all around me. I said it's all right, smiling slowly crawling beneath my blanket. Got drenched again. Strong me. Always got out with a broad smile, assuring me I will come back. Tears flow is most
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 2:17

#borntolivehappy #spreadhappiness

Hey, Akanshya. This is Rabaya. Your poetry is extremely marvellous but with melancholic phrases I do understand why at all do we need to vet our pillow every day? It's not our duty and we don't. Why should we wet for the person who doesn't deserve at all our love, our genuineness, our authenticity, our affection, our kindness not required, right? We will also be happy. Let us try to be happy. Our tears should go to the ones who deserves it
Akanshya Kajol
@AKA381 · 0:09


Thank you so much for giving such an amazing feedback. I will try to enhance my poem more. Thank you