Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:44

Is "Therapy Talk" Becoming a Free Pass for People to Misbehave and Avoid Dealing with their Emotions?

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I have my boundaries. Please respect them. Well, this is my way of self care. Hey, this triggers me. These are some of the words that we hear and probably use very frequently in our everyday exchanges, right? And it's great to see that people have become so aware that most of the people are aware of therapy, of mental health, the different mental health issues and their implications and people are becoming more mindful, definitely

#TherapyTalk #Mentalhealth #AskSwell

Santhoshi Choradia
@Santhoshi_1990 · 3:26

#therapy talk @Aishani

They will not mislead any relationship in a wrong way. So, people should think about each one as their emotions of their own. They will cry, they will get anger, they will quit or they will shout. But the opposite party should listen quietly and they should try to predict the solution. If they can't give a solution at least they can listen. So these things happens. So there will be a fruitful memory or there will be a fruitful communication
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Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:57


But if someone just raises that flag that you are triggering me or you are not respecting my boundaries and stuff like that, just casually, even if it's not the case in the true sense, it can be, I think, pretty detrimental for the relationship or the friendship, whatever the two of them, the two people share. But yes, like you said, that mental health has always had a dark side and I guess everything has its own pros and cons
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:32


But if it hinders communication, if you are constantly you stopping communication and important conversations from taking place then there is going to come a point where you will see things crumbling and that's just how it is
Santhoshi Choradia
@Santhoshi_1990 · 4:55


Yes, aishani, of course I agree with you and I respect your words. Yes, you were right triggering the words, casually hurting someone by using some of the words and they are not meaning the sorry and they are not apologized for that. It's very wrong. And we should not be. And we should not dare to recall that what to say is self respect is very important than the relationship. In any relationship. Maybe friendship or love or spouse or marriage. Whatever
Love Live Learn
@LoveLiveLearn · 4:58
What may seem very normal to someone who is mentally healthy may seem like an attack to someone who is mentally ill. And so the definition of what is a normal conversation and what is a triggering conversation will differ from one person to another. Second, people with mental wellness are still having social conversations. They are not supposed to seclude themselves, isolate themselves and not talk at all to anybody just because they are not able to hold great conversations or they feel triggered at times
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:42


And yeah, while that is such a great part of it, I was thinking then I came across a few articles which discussed this and not exactly the question which I posed, but the articles were also exploring this on articles or social media posts. They were also exploring this thing that sometimes people use therapy talk in the wrong context. And that can first of all, I think what that does is it trivializes the experience of the people who are actually dealing with it
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:52


Hey, Santoshi. I'm really glad that you are in a better place now, mentally and I really hope that things stay, things just keep getting better for you. And yes, indeed, when a situation is not, it's constantly putting you down. That can be a friendship, that can be a relationship
Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:40


Now, let's say somebody has not been diagnosed or doesn't even have, for example, any remote possibility of any level of mental illness. Okay, let's take that take that example. Even in such a case, if a person is wanting to set a boundary, I think that should be considered healthy. I think it's a good skill to have. It may come across as rude for us because we are not used to it
Nidhin George đź”·
@geo_rhymes · 3:07

@Aishani it's complicated isn't it? There's no way you can identify who is genuinely triggered and who is using trigger as an escape mechanism.

But like you said, if the situation is that, no, I do not want to address the issue at all. I'm just going to brush it aside because it triggers me. I don't even want to acknowledge it. I think that's just as toxic as it is for them, it also becomes toxic for you. It becomes toxic for me because in my relationship with this person, this person was very close and dear to me
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 4:06
That's going to prove to be even more fatal in the long run. So you have to be open minded, you have to be more accepting, you have to be less resistant to changes which are coming from the outside world. It's only then that you can expect other people to respect your boundaries. So it's important that you put across your views to the other person in a more mature manner
Santhoshi Choradia
@Santhoshi_1990 · 1:13


So hearing more and more persons, we learned something self relationship and self care and we should be mentally health, well being and of course you said live we should not be disturbed by other persons who are tracking us, triggering us everything upon we just live ourselves. That was the main point. And I'm learning from you all. Everyone teaching me something. Something is new. Something new. I'm learning from you from the past three days
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Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:28


What you said that maybe there are these people in your life or this person in your life with whom you absolutely need to have a conversation so that the relation that you share with that person doesn't turn into something else because some issues do need to be addressed. Right? And if they are unaddressed, if the other person constantly keeps blocking that conversation, constantly keeps brushing things aside and the other person is left bottling things up, I think it at the end of the day makes the relation and whatever
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:04


I think so much of a lot of generational trauma and everything that people talk about, that we address. I think all of that could have been controlled to an extent if people knew about establishing boundaries beforehand or if people knew about the words and their implications. And basically if people had an idea about mental health before this and we realized this especially when we are dealing with someone who is from the previous generations, maybe a little older than us, and trying to explain these concepts to them
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:36


Yes, I think that's a very valid perspective. And indeed formation of boundaries, establishing boundaries is about how much you let people affect you. And also sometimes you lay boundaries with people who are close to you and you know that you are going to interact with these people on a daily basis and it's better if they know what your triggers are
Nidhin George đź”·
@geo_rhymes · 1:07


You. Well, I suppose you're right. This makes a lot of sense. And here's what I've figured out. This is what I do nowadays when someone tells me that they do not want to approach a topic because that's where they draw the boundary and it triggers them, I respect that. But if this topic is important to me and you want to draw a boundary there, you do want to address it to a certain point, I can roll with that
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:55


But after that, if constantly if you constantly feel unheard and unseen, then that's not fair to you either. So, yeah, you have all the right to walk away and choose yourself over that situation