Adia Maheshwari
@adiamaheshwari · 2:44

Sumatran tigers: an almost extinct species but not

Greetings, everyone. My name is Adia Maheshwari, your host for today. Recently, we could see that red tiger cubs have born at UK Zoo. Crucial, in order to save the species, the birth of twins matching tiger cubs has given some amount of hope to individuals due to the fact that it is uncritically endangered species. They were born to first time parents, Kasama and dash, who are said to be bonding well with the new additions in the tent

Sumatran tigers are thought to become extinct sooner than later, with only 350 of them left right now, while we, humans are using them as a medicine.

Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:09


But as we have really advanced in technology and science, I don't think there'll be increase in the use of these Sumatran tigers because we have now good computational technology, molecular tools to just reassess the quality and efficiency of drugs and get it to the market even more quickly. So hope these species won't be hunted down for their valuable properties and that they'll be preserved and the species won't go extinct or won't be endangered very soon