Adia Maheshwari
@adiamaheshwari · 1:41

Hustle culture: toxic or normal?

At least 80% to 90% of teens overwork themselves due to college, school, career choices or XYZ reason. However, it is so toxic. Imagine working twenty four seven and burning yourself up. You wouldn't want to do that to yourself, right? We need to learn to take a break. We need to learn to live. Moreover, it can eventually lead to depression or mental health issues. In some severe cases, it could even lead to suicide due to work pressure

The hustle culture: one where we spend so much time thinking we have to work all the time, in order to achieve success. Is that true? Find out today!

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:41
Hi. I absolutely agree with you that the Hustle culture, even though it is promoted largely today, it is extremely, extremely toxic and just constantly asking people to go on pushing themselves no matter what, pushing themselves to achieve their goals to work, always stay focused despite their failing mental health. I think that's the sort of culture that belittles the entire concept of mental health in general and also belittles the importance of having a personal life. So, yeah, absolutely agreed
Arukshita Deswal
@arukshitadeswal · 2:44
We want to reach the full potential, we want to do the best and it's more about we become more responsible individuals towards our work. But I think the excess of it that we are doing right now, the youngsters, the people, I think it can be very damaging for our mental health and physical health as well. We are running, we are just doing the work without any breaks and Leslie to go nowhere
Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:35
And this can lead to a lot of pressure to keep on working, to keep on studying, not only for self validation, but for the validation of others. In a study, it was seen that almost 70% of teenagers are people pleasers and need validation to keep moving on in life. Hustle culture has really just become the new normal because that's how we perceive it, that's how we see it, and that's how life has been expanding over time