Adia Maheshwari
@adiamaheshwari · 2:01

Sao Paolo: heavy flooding & landslides, another natural disaster?

The government state declared that 35 deaths happened along with a young girl becoming missing. Many were evacuated and had been distressed. Another 228 people were left homeless and 338 people were evacuated. A 180 day state of Calamity was declared in six towns in the state south sebastian, Kara, Guata, Tuba Ilhabela UBA, Tuba Guajua and Berti Yoga. The state government declared that they released around $1 million to one point million dollars for funding towards the ending in disaster relief

Another natural disaster occured recently in the state of Sao Paolo where millions and dozens of people were killed with heavy flooding and landslides

Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:19
But then these days, natural disaster are mostly actually, some of them, a huge amount of them are triggered by human, man made, human made triggers in the environment, some kind of research, some kind of poking here and there. So I think a lot of it can be avoided. Of course, some things are just not escapable. It's just going to come anyway and we can't do anything about it. But this is a wake up call. We got to wake up today