Adam MCA
@adammichael · 2:21

Someone who is making an impact on my community

Somebody who's making a difference in my community is Joshua Ejida, founder of true participation. He is a man who is filled with love, and he's got a storytelling background. And deep into the esoteric wisdom, mostly the toltec, but also various other traditions. And that man saved my life from a hell that I had put myself into after a mushrooms experience catapulted me into a reality I didn't understand. And my entire life fell apart over a four year period

#LostPrompt #JoshuaEdjida

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:28
Adam. Amazing. So beautiful. To have somebody like that, to be there in our corner when we need the most and to be able to be in a place where you can respond and respect and appreciate the guidance is half the battle. Right? Otherwise, they're just annoying. So kudos to you and kudos to your buddy who helped propel you forward through that challenge. And now you get to live on and share that experience and help other people their own way. So cheers