Abhilasha Mohan
@abhilashaa.moha · 0:59

Just few lines from ishq sufiyana

You so


Lovely abilities always like I am a forever fan of your singing. Very beautiful. Keep singing
Abhilasha Mohan
@abhilashaa.moha · 0:03


Thank you so, so much
preeti verma
@uglepagle · 0:06
Hey, Abhilasha. You sing so well. Very sweet. Keep it up
shilpee bhalla
@Shilpi-Bhalla · 0:11
Hello. Good morning, Gaurangi, for inviting me on this well. And Abela. Shaji. Bahar, Bahada Baja. You make my taste really sweet twice
Abhilasha Mohan
@abhilashaa.moha · 0:03


Thank you so much. It means a lot
Abhilasha Mohan
@abhilashaa.moha · 0:03


Thank you. Thanks a lot
Aashi Kumari
@BkK · 0:07
Thank you