Abhilash Mohan
@Abhilash1994 · 5:00

Bloody Daddy Review

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Hello people. How you all doing? And I'm doing great. So here is my review of movie Bloody Daddy. Okay, staring up. Shaib Kapoor, Diana Penti, Ronithroy Rajiv, Kandelwal, Sanjay Kapoor and many more. Directed by Aliya Basafar, produced by Geocinamas. Okay, so Geocinama is free so each and everyone can go and watch movie for free on your cinemas. Okay? So about the plot


Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:14
Hi. Thank you for the review. Actually, I didn't even know about this movie at all. So after your review, I've decided I'll surely watch the movie and get back to you with what are my views about this movie. So thank you a lot