Amitabh Bose
@Abhib078 · 3:19

Interview Qestion Aid :- Apna HR Launda

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Kiapko exact patalagiki bola kahasakra sal say both interviews national international level how many hiring have I done? I don't really remember, but yes, I do remember the name and I'm still in touch with those people. Jimko Manisha those are party so I would be happy to help you out into Bose situations or the chalice say patalis but 40 to 45 odd interview questions and answers abke Samuel Kyanga so that it would help you when you face any of the interview panels with confidence

General Guidelines Answering Interview Questions

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:48
Hi sir. And I think firstly this is a really great initiative that someone with your experience is going to share the tips and tricks to nail these interviews and I am also looking forward to sit for placement next year. I am currently a business economic student ndu and I also recently sat for Internships ships interview and they went well but looking at people around I really felt a little underprepared with. So I think I'll be looking forward to your series and following them closely
Amitabh Bose
@Abhib078 · 0:20


Thank you to see your reply. Barry, thank you so much. This is a good initiative indeed, and I look forward that you tuned into my channel to have a check. I would be posting it about 64 interview questions personally. If you need any help, you can just quickly ping me there. All the best. This is Amitabh. Thank you