Luvius Thomas
@abetterfather · 4:37

They Are Listening

Keep saying it when it matters and hopefully one day eventually it'll sink in and then you'll know that, yeah, that was worth the effort. That was worth staying calm for. That was worth not letting my ego or my authority get in the way of a long term goal and a long term message. So thank you very much for listening. I hope you're doing well today. Goodbye

Stay calm. Keep repeating. Focus on the ling term goal, not the immediate reaction

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:03
I can only speak from a daughter's perspective, but it is very true. And I can think of three to five phrases that my dad and my mom have said that stick with me. Of course, you grow up, you become an adult, and you can think critically about things