Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:34


You. Hello guys. And naive here. And I am here with the news bell and the topic. And the topic is kamosha. So let's begin. Kamoshiya be sure, Machati. Kamoshiya, be sure, Machati. Kamoshiya kabir kamoshiya kabir. Kamoshia kabi. Jakma. Derti. Kamoshiya kabimaram silaktihe. Kamoshiya bijaru. Kamoshiya shabbusi. Jada prabhavi houthi. Kamoshi ekalagjubani hotel. Thank you
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:35
Let us think there is a big fight happening in front of us or if someone is continuously targeting us and scolding and wantedly troubling us a lot at that particular time, it's very usual that we get angry and we start shouting at them instead of shouting at them. If we are silent for a certain duration, then the person who is opposite to us will understand what kind of mistake they are committing and they'll realize that, right?
Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:02


Thank you very much. It means